Psychedelic Violence: a Visual Kei Fanzine, Volume One

$4.00 USD - $5.00 USD

Volume one of Psychedelic Violence, the Visual-kei History Fanzine!

This inaugural issue is 40 pages of narrative history, photos, album reviews and more, tracing the genre's inception from 1982 to 1991, starting with Boowy and the ensuing '80s "band craze", the advent of Japanese goth, the emergence of VK pioneers X and Buck-Tick and their rise to stardom, and concluding with the debut of Luna Sea.

The zine comes with download instructions for a digital version of the mixtape and for loads of other bonus content, and there's also an optional accompanying cassette version of the mixtape so you can follow along on your stereo!

If you're an international customer, shipping is an extra charge but if you're international and want me to group multiple issues together to save on shipping after a few more have been released, choose "Antarctica" shipping option and I will set aside a copy for you and we can work out group shipping via email at a later date! Unfortunately shipping costs have more than doubled in the last year or two so I'm having to charge shipping to compensate whereas before I could ship cheaply in the US. I'm still charging what amounts to my cost here, but it sucks either way, and I wish I didn't have to do so.